Schema design basics

The Hasura GraphQL engine creates GraphQL schema object types and corresponding query/mutation fields with resolvers automatically as we create tables/views in the Postgres database.

Let’s take a look at how to create tables using the Hasura console, a UI tool meant for doing exactly this, and the GraphQL schema it generates.

Let’s say we want to create two simple tables for an article/author schema:

author (
  name TEXT

article (
  title TEXT,
  content TEXT,
  rating INT,
  author_id INT

Create tables

Open the Hasura console and head to the Data tab and click the Create Table button to open up an interface to create tables.

As soon as a table is created, the corresponding GraphQL schema types and query/mutation resolvers will be automatically generated.

For example, here is the schema for the article table in this interface:

Schema for an article table

The following object type and query/mutation fields are generated for the article table we just created:

# Object type
type Article {
  id: Int
  title: String
  content: String
  rating: Int
  author_id: Int

# Query field
article (
  where: article_bool_exp
  limit: Int
  offset: Int
  order_by: [article_order_by!]
): [article!]!

# insert/upsert mutation field
insert_article (
  objects: [article_insert_input!]!
  on_conflict: article_on_conflict
): article_mutation_response

# update mutation field
update_article (
  where: article_bool_exp!
  _inc: article_inc_input
  _set: article_set_input
): article_mutation_response

# delete mutation field
delete_article (
  where: article_bool_exp!
): article_mutation_response

See the query and mutation API references for the full specifications.

You can insert some sample data into the tables using the Insert Row tab of the created tables.

Try out basic GraphQL queries

At this point, you should be able to try out basic GraphQL queries/mutations on the newly created tables from the GraphiQL tab in the console (you may want to add some sample data into the tables first).

Here are a couple of examples:

  • Query all rows in the article table
query {
  article {
query { article { id title author_id } }
{ "data": { "article": [ { "id": 1, "title": "sit amet", "author_id": 4 }, { "id": 2, "title": "a nibh", "author_id": 2 }, { "id": 3, "title": "amet justo morbi", "author_id": 4 }, { "id": 4, "title": "vestibulum ac est", "author_id": 5 } ] } }
  • Insert data in the author table
mutation add_author {
    objects: [
      { name: "Jane" }
  ) {
    returning {
mutation add_author { insert_author( objects: [ { name: "Jane" } ] ) { affected_rows returning { id name } } }
{ "data": { "insert_author": { "affected_rows": 1, "returning": [ { "id": 11, "name": "Jane" } ] } } }

Note that the author’s id does not need to passed as an input as it is of type serial (auto incrementing integer).